The Prospero Help system is your resource for information on Prospero. Prospero Help is designed to assist you in creating new and powerful reports and budget plans quickly and easily, while also providing an overview of the features and functionality of the application.
Prospero Help provides context sensitive guidance throughout the application. If you need information on any major functional component of the application, simply press the F1 button. The Help system itself allows you to browse specific contents, view information related to index keywords, or search on topics. Whenever Prospero Help is open, you can choose from one of these available options on the option bars – Contents, Index, and Search - listed in the Help Navigation Pane.
Finally, Prospero Help is available as either an Online or Locally installed option in your Prospero application - whichever best suits your needs. If you use the local Help option, you should periodically download updates from the Prospero product website.
For more information on utilizing either Online or Local Help in your Prospero environment, see the Help section on Local Setting Options.
Last update: November 26, 2024