Column Formula Field

The Formula field allows you to define calculations to populate the column's data. To reference data or values from other columns, you must identify the columns using the Code field and enclose the code in square brackets ([ ]).


For example: 






In addition, you can use shorthand notations for calculations run on the column or row that contains it. You can use this shorthand method only with numbers or subformulas consisting of numbers (i.e. no references to other rows or columns). The available operators include +, -, *, /, and ^. 


For example:

To multiply a row with code ABC by 13, enter the formula as:  *13 

To divide a column with code BUD by 2, enter the formula as:  /2

For more information on Creating Formula Calculations refer to that section.


The column Formula field can also be used in conjunction with the Defined Percentage Row (DPR) defined in the Line Definition. The “@DPR” indicator is used to reference that row in the line.


For example:



Reports that include the @DPR formula will include a calculated column. In the example above, the column value is divided by a value referenced in a DPR row in the Line Definition.


For more information, see the Defined Percentage Row section.