The Defined Percentage Row (DPR) is a column option in the Line Definition which is used to indicate that the row will be referenced in column formulas.
To use the Defined Percentage Row, enter the Code for the row to be used as the value in the Defined Percentage Row (DPR) cell for the first row.
The Defined Percentage Row (DPR) entered in any row in the Line Definition will be in effect until another DPR is defined further down in the set.
In this instance, the Code value for “Net Sales” (NETSLS) will be referenced in the Column Definition. You will specify the DPR in the Column Definition’s formula by using @DPR, for example: ([B]/@DPR).
When a report is run that has the Defined Percentage Row (DPR) components configured, the calculated column (in this case, column C) will divide the numerator by the value in the referenced DPR row (i.e. “Net Sales”), providing a "Percent of Sales" calculation.
The Number Format should be set to percentage in the Column Definition to display using the percent format.
For more information refer to the topics on the Column Formula Field and Calculations.