A unique feature of Prospero is the ability to drill down on reports to view the underlying data. If you have defined a drill down Segment structure on your Report Definition’s Options tab or if you are utilizing your Segment’s Tree structures in your Line Definition (using the Expand feature), you can drill down on the available underlying detail.
Additionally, drill down is available for rows which are
represented by calculations (i.e. rows which contain formulas). In this
instance, drill down on the row will behave as detailed below, returning each of
the comprising segments’ values as individual rows.
To drill down to underlying data:
1. Run a report which has a drill down structure or uses tree structures in the row.
2. Select
a row. The magnifying glass icon will activate over any item, or line, of
information in your report on which you can drill down. Each item you drill down
on will appear as a new tab or window in the report workspace.
3. Continue to drill down to the lowest level of detail data (i.e. the transaction level) and the magnifying glass icon will continue to activate over any item of information in your report where there is additional underlying data. (Formatting on your report and transaction detail is defined in the Formatting Defaults Options.)
4. If the Transaction type is not selected, when attempting to drill down to transaction detail, you will receive a warning message:
5. When using tabs in your Report workspace, you can view the entire segment name on any report drill down simply by hovering your cursor over the tab name.
You can customize these names by selecting which Segment’s Detail Labels should appear. This is available on the Report Definitions Options Tab.
How segment(s) will be displayed in the label in the full account level detail drill down view is determined on the Segment Definition screen. This is an Administrator-level activity. For more information, refer to the section on Segments.
6. When you have reached the lowest level of drill down information, you will receive a message from Prospero that you have reached the limit of any available underlying data.