The Capital Import option allows you to import Capital data from a Microsoft® Excel file to update or add specific Capital records. The Capital Import may also include corresponding segment information that is not hidden on the input definition and which is not in the lines of the input definition. (The file should be in .XLS or .XLSX format. The .CSV format is not supported.)
The Capital Import option is only available where you have licensed Prospero for Budgeting or Budgeting and Reporting.
Note: When importing date values, use simple formats (i.e. 12/12/2019) such as those which do not include day of the week. For a sample Excel file format, refer to the file in your Prospero Client Directory.
To execute the Capital Import:
1. Click on the Data Integration bar in the Prospero Navigation Pane.
2. Click on the Capital Import icon to open the Excel Import workspace.
3. Enter a Batch Name. This allows field will be a label for the Excel import process up to 24 characters. The Batch Name field is a required field.
4. Enter or use the Browse button to select a File Name of the Excel file containing the data to be imported. The File Name field is a required field.
5. Once a
file is provided, you will be prompted to select the Excel worksheet tab within
the workbook containing import data.
If a <BLANK> worksheet is specified, you will receive an error message: "No importable data found in specified worksheet. Please select another worksheet."
6. Select the Ok button. The data to be imported will appear in the Preview pane where you will map the segment field references to the data previewed.
7. Select the Input Definition. This option allows you to select the ellipsis button to choose an existing Input Definition.
8. OPTIONAL: Select the Run Capital Calculation Task checkbox. When checked, this option will run a Capital Calculation Task to update totals in the input data based on the imported Capital data. Leaving the option unchecked will import the data but not update Capital and Depreciation account balances; the Capital Calculation Task can then be run at a later date.
This option is checked by default.
9. Select Segment Field Mapping(s) – Once you have specified a file name, a sample of the data to be imported will appear in the Preview pane. Use the dropdown box in the Preview pane to select the segment to map your data to. You must map the segment field references to the data previewed.
Required fields are:
• Capital Item ID
• Description
• Capital Type
• All Segments except those used to configure the Input Definition (i.e., if the natural account is used to configure the Input Definition’s Capital Setup, natural account is not accepted as one of the fields to import, but all other segments are required).
If you do not map your segment
fields, you will receive a warning message to do so:
In addition, if you map to any invalid segments or data you will receive an error message and a red box visual indicator will appear on the cell. While you can continue the import process, you should carefully check your data after the import.
10. OPTIONAL: Select the Use Specification button to select from existing, previously saved specification. (If you have not previously entered/saved a specification this screen will be <BLANK>.)
11. OPTIONAL: Select the Save Specification button to save your parameters, criteria and mappings using a named specification for later use.
You must specify an Excel file name for the Use Specifications or Save Specifications buttons to activate. For more information see Import Specifications.
12. Select the Import button to import the data.
Note: Each field name in the import file must be unique. If a field name is duplicated, you will receive an error message when you attempt your import process and the import will not proceed.