Currency Definition

Currency Definition allows you to establish foreign currencies in Prospero for reporting. While Prospero provides you with a pre-set, out-of-the-box number of foreign currency types, you can add or tailor these definitions to fit the needs of your organization. In addition, you can define a default currency for your organization’s reporting needs. For more information on the default currency definition refer to the Entity Management Workspace.


Management of Currency Definitions is an Administrator-level permission. For more information, refer to Prospero Security.


Note: Prospero’s financial reporting with exchange rate (currency) management capabilities is a specifically licensed module of the Prospero application. You must have the appropriate license applied within Prospero for this functionality to be active. Multi-currency (managing currency definitions) is a standard Prospero feature that allows use of already-translated GL data within Prospero.


Contact your MSX Support representative for more details.