An entity is analogous to a company in a General Ledger. It’s the container in which segments, reports and other data items are created. By utilizing Entities, an organization can manage situations where different divisions of the organization may utilize different or special rules.
Entity Management in Prospero allows you to create, maintain or delete entities within your Prospero database. Managing entities within your organization is a powerful, yet flexible, option designed to manage changes to your organizational structure quickly and easily and have them immediately reflected in your reporting and planning. Prospero also supports consolidated entities and for more information please see the section on Connecting to General Ledger Companies.
The Default, or System, Entity is created by the Prospero
database installation and is used to maintain all other entities in Prospero. To
access the System Entity, you must log in as a Systems Administrator.
However, as an Administrator-level user of any entity you can view and manage
specific features and elements on that entity’s Entity Management